Sunday, February 1, 2009

Infared Saunas

Have you tried sauna? IT is designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions. This includes relaxation and promotes sweating. Saunas can be divided into two basic styles: Conventional saunas that warm the air or infrared saunas that warm objects. Infrared saunas may use various materials in their heating area such as charcoal, active carbon fibers, and other materials.

Don’t you know that according to research Far Infrared Heat is better than regular heat in a conventional sauna? Far infrared heat is used to directly penetrate the body's tissues to a depth of over 1½ inches right into the muscle. Its energy output is tuned to correspond so closely to the body's own radiant energy that our bodies absorb close to 93% of the infrared waves that reach our skin. On the other hand, a conventional sauna or what we commonly known as steam sauna must rely on indirect means of heat: First, on air currents and then, direct contact of hot air with the skin to produce its healing effects on us. With Far Infrared heat and our unique Carbon Wave 360 Panels, less than 20% of the far infrared energy heats the air, leaving over 80% available to be directly converted to heat within our bodies.

The following are the benefits: Pain relief, weigh loss, increases extensibility of Collagen issue, joint stiffness, increases blood flow, stress relief and many more. So, if you want to know more about infrared sauna, please do visit on their website.

links: saunas
infrared saunas
infrared saunas


Steamdude said...

Readers planning to buy a sauna should beware of the so-called infrared saunas, most of which are made in the PRC (China) from inferior materials. These are not genuine saunas in the Scandinavian style.

In the traditional heater, the heating elements heat the air and a mass of stones. This allows for a consistent heat and the custom of sprinkling water on the stones, which changes the environment in the sauna dramatically from a dry sauna bath, to a wet bath, or "steam sauna". This is an option afforded to the sauna bather that chooses a traditional Scandinavian style sauna. It is not necessary to sprinkle water on the stones, and without that custom the humidity in the sauna is very, very low (around 2 or 3 percent).

The infrared heaters have exposed heating elements, so that the heat radiates directly onto the bather in sort of a one sided fashion. These infrared heaters have a much lower capacity, so the most common complaint is that they fail to attain the heat typical for a genuine sauna, especially on the part of the body turned away from the heater.

You also sacrifice the ability to sprinkle water on the heater, and one must question whether it’s actually healthy to expose one’s self to such direct radiation, or how enjoyable such an experience is, compared to the traditional sauna.

In contrast, the traditional Scandinavian style saunas are centuries old (they were heated with wood before electricity), and their safety and therapeutic efficacy is well established.

As with tainted toothpaste, poisonous pet food and lead painted children’s toys, some of these infrared saunas are downright hazardous at least according to the Electrical Safety Authority in Ontario, Canada. See…

Sauna by Airwall, Inc. even recalled their saunas due to a fire hazard caused by faulty heating units and fuses. See...

Anonymous said...

first catch your hare, then cook him.

Anonymous said...

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