Tuesday, June 10, 2008

GPS Insight

GPS Insight vehicle tracking system is a hardware and web software-based vehicle tracking product which is the technical leader in the GPS tracking field. They have the only hardware which is trifling to install. All you need to do is to plug directly into the vehicles diagnostics port, we have same-day-shipping, we are the only product which gets direct engine diagnostics such as fault codes, speed, fuel consumption, odometer readings, idle time, etc., Good thing here in GPS Insight Vehicle tracking in that their products give a 2 minute updates with VERY high end map options and customizations.
GPS insights can give your organization’s management the ability to report in your own company activity detail, fuel consumption, speed violations, vehicle performance, landmark activity, odd hours, geofence violations and many other traceable activities. It works with the help of th0 satellites and also with the AT&T / T-mobile to provide clients with a highly and accurate vehicle locations in every 2 minutes throughout the United States and Canada.
Their services provide 30 day money back guarantee and offers free trials for qualified companies. Most significantly, their product evolves at a very rapid pace – they even take input and advice from regular customers and add capabilities, functions, and completely new areas on the site on a regular basis. All of these customer’s requests and enhancements are combined with the best in advanced technology and mapping. And these are some of the main reasons why their product stands out among the others. Try GPS Insight Vehicle Tracking and you will see the difference in both of their product and support.
Still having a second thought on this system? Why not you visit their website wherein you can personally read their articles with their latest news. You can also find a testimonial tab wherein you can have a grasp reading some comments and testimonials of their clients. Aside from testimonials, they have also developed a blogsite just to advertise more on how good their products and how well their services are.
GPS Insight support wiki for customers
Blog for GPS vehicle tracking
GPS Insight vehicle tracking system

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